100% Frucht! Gefriergetrocknete BIO-Mischung aus Johannisbeeren schwarz, Preiselbeeren und Süßkirschen in Stücken.
Verpackt im wiederverschließbaren Standbodenbeutel.
Für 100 g gefriergetrocknete BIO Früchte werden bis zu 900 g frische Früchte benötigt.
Mąka pszenna typ 750 pozyskiwana jest z bieszczadzkich gospodarstw rolnych, które posiadają certyfikat ekologiczny. Jest to jeden z najbardziej popularnych rodzajów mąki, który otrzymuje się ze zmielonego ziarna pszenicy.Mąka pszenna, dzięki zawartości białka (glutenu), nadaje wypiekom sprężystości i sprawia, że mniej się kruszą. <strong>Skład:</strong> pszenica <strong>Wartość odżywcza w 100g</strong>Wartość energetyczna 1450kJ/342kcal - 17% RWS*Tłuszcz 1,8g - 2,6%w tym kwasy tłuszczowe nasycone 0,7g - 3,5%Węglowodany 68g - 26%w tym cukry 0,5g - 0,6%Błonnik 2,9gBiałko 12g - 24%Sól 0,01g - 0,2%*Referencyjna Wartość Spożywcza <strong>Stosowanie</strong>Mąka pszenna typ 750 doskonale nadaje się do pieczenia chleba oraz wszystkich słonych i słodkich wypieków. Idealna do naleśników, gofrów lub jako zagęstnik zup i sosów. <strong>Uwagi</strong>Przechowywać w suchym i chłodnym miejscu w szczelnie zamkniętym opakowaniu.
Wir bieten hochwertiges Babymilchpulver an, das speziell für die Ernährung von Säuglingen entwickelt wurde. Unser Produkt erfüllt alle internationalen Standards und wird aus den besten Zutaten hergestellt. Wir exportieren unser Babymilchpulver weltweit und bieten wettbewerbsfähige Preise sowie schnelle Lieferzeiten. Vertrauen Sie auf unsere Erfahrung im internationalen Handel, um die besten Produkte für die Ernährung Ihres Babys zu finden.
Textured Vegetable Proteins (TVP) are an innovative solution for those seeking high-quality plant-based protein alternatives. Produced without soy and from GMO-free raw materials, TVP offers a sustainable and nutritious option for vegan and vegetarian diets. These proteins are crafted using a unique modular extruder technology, ensuring a high protein and fiber content, along with essential bioactive compounds. The versatility of TVP allows it to be used in various culinary applications, making it an ideal choice for food manufacturers looking to create meatless products that cater to modern dietary preferences.
The production process of TVP emphasizes ecological responsibility by minimizing environmental impact and reducing production waste. By utilizing Polish plant varieties with high protein content, TVP not only supports local agriculture but also aligns with global sustainability trends. This product is perfect for wholesale customers and producers of vegan and vegetarian food, ready meals, and convenient foods, offering a reliable and nutritious ingredient for meat-like products in the B2B business model.
Caraway seeds are one of the oldest spices known to humankind, with a history dating back to ancient Egypt. These seeds are derived from a slender biennial plant native to the Middle Eastern, Asian, and Central European regions. Caraway seeds are a staple in European cuisine, where they are used to flavor rye breads, biscuits, and cheeses. They are also an essential ingredient in soda bread and are used in pickling and fermenting dishes like sauerkraut. In North India, caraway seeds are a key component of curries, while in North Africa, they are used in harissa pastes. Their distinctive flavor also enhances liqueurs such as schnapps and aquavit.
Gli integratori alimentari in capsule gastroprotette sono formulati per garantire un rilascio controllato e ritardato dei componenti attivi, proteggendoli dal passaggio nello stomaco. Questo processo di gastroprotezione assicura che i nutrienti essenziali come estratti secchi vegetali, vitamine, minerali e aminoacidi siano efficacemente assorbiti dall'organismo. Le capsule sono disponibili in diverse dimensioni, offrendo flessibilità nella scelta del dosaggio. Con un ordine minimo di 100.000 capsule e un tempo di consegna di 8 settimane, questi integratori sono ideali per chi cerca soluzioni personalizzate e di alta qualità per il benessere quotidiano.
La produzione di capsule gastroprotette utilizza materie prime di alta qualità, tra cui fermenti lattici, lattoferrina e colostro, per supportare la salute intestinale e il sistema immunitario. Gli aromi naturali e artificiali aggiungono un tocco di sapore, rendendo l'assunzione più piacevole. Questi integratori sono perfetti per chi desidera migliorare la propria salute senza compromessi, grazie alla loro capacità di preservare l'integrità dei componenti attivi durante il transito gastrointestinale. Scegliendo queste capsule, si opta per un prodotto innovativo e affidabile, progettato per soddisfare le esigenze nutrizionali più esigenti.
La pimienta negra a granel de Lord Spices Group es una especia clásica y versátil, perfecta para añadir un toque de sabor y calor a sus platos. Con una tradición de más de un siglo, somos líderes en la producción y distribución de pimienta negra al por mayor, ofreciendo un servicio personalizado que se extiende a nivel nacional e internacional. Nuestra pimienta negra es cuidadosamente seleccionada y empaquetada en diversos formatos, asegurando su frescura y calidad. Libre de OMG, nuestra pimienta negra es una opción segura y deliciosa para sus creaciones culinarias.
Materiale: Cartone biodegradabile di qualità alimentare, resistente all'umidità e ai grassi.
Forma: Ciotola rotonda.
Questa ciotola impilabile ha un design moderno che valorizza i tuoi prodotti. La personalizzazione con stampa del logo consente ai ristoratori di distinguersi e di lasciare un'impressione duratura. Grazie alla stampa in CMYK, ottieni colori vivaci e dettagli precisi, rafforzando l'identità del marchio e attirando l'attenzione dei clienti.
Utilizzi: Perfette per insalate, piatti in salsa e tutti i tuoi pasti caldi o freddi. Disponibile in cartone bianco, nero o stampato secondo le tue esigenze.
Dimensioni: 300CC, 16Oz, 550CC, 750CC, 1050CC o 38 Oz.
Coperchio: Plastica RPET (non adatta al microonde). Chiusura rapida e completamente ermetica. Venduto separatamente.
Aggiungere un design personalizzato non solo rende il prodotto unico, ma promuove anche il tuo marchio, attirando l'attenzione dei consumatori e migliorando l'esperienza complessiva.
Il PREDELLA Vino Bianco Trebbiano Abruzzo DOC è un vino bianco di alta qualità, prodotto con uve selezionate dalla rinomata regione vinicola dell'Abruzzo. Questo vino presenta un aroma fragrante e un sapore fresco e leggero, perfetto per accompagnare piatti a base di pesce e formaggi. Con una bottiglia da 75 cl, è ideale per condividere con amici e familiari durante una cena o una serata speciale.
Nous sommes une entreprise innovante dédiée à la conception et à la fabrication d'emballages alimentaires de haute qualité. Notre mission est de fournir des solutions durables, pratiques et esthétiques pour protéger et préserver la fraîcheur des aliments tout en respectant l'environnement. Nous proposons une large gamme de produits, allant des emballages biodégradables aux solutions hermétiques, adaptés aux besoins de l'industrie alimentaire moderne. Chez nous, chaque emballage est conçu pour garantir la sécurité alimentaire, réduire le gaspillage et répondre aux normes les plus strictes en matière de qualité et de durabilité.
L'erba di grano, conosciuta anche come "wheatgrass," è la giovane pianta di grano (Triticum aestivum). È ricca di clorofilla, vitamine A, C, ed E, minerali come il ferro e il calcio, e aminoacidi essenziali. L'erba di grano è nota per le sue proprietà antiossidanti, detossificanti e potenziali effetti di miglioramento del sistema immunitario.
Isomalto-oligosaccharides are a kind of starch sugar made from corn starch by enzymatic transformation, refining and concentration. It is a widely used functional oligosaccharide because it can promote the proliferation of Bifidobacterium in human body and it is a water-soluble dietary fiber with the low calorific valsue and caries prevention function.
Molecular Formula:C12H22O11
CAS No:499-40-1
Concentrated detergent with a fresh lemon fragrance for hand washing all types of dishes.
Biodegradable product.
Formulated with biodegradable and water-soluble surfactants, with a high concentration of active material. Neutral product, with good degreasing, dispersing and foaming power, leaves dishes clean and shiny. Does not attack the skin of the hands nor is it corrosive.
Due to its formulation, the product is recommended for manual washing of all kitchen utensils (plates, pots, pans, glasses, cutlery, boxes, containers, among others).
KC EASY PLUS can be diluted in the washing water or used directly on a damp sponge.
Recommended dosage: 5mL of product for each litre of water. If necessary, adjust the dosage until a generous amount of foam is obtained.
Wash the utensils by scrubbing with a sponge. Then rinse thoroughly with water.
Introducing the Herzberg Automatic Self-Dispensing Pet Feeder, a convenient solution to ensure your furry friend never goes hungry. Using gravity, this feeder automatically refills the base bowl with pet food, while the transparent bottle allows you to monitor food levels easily. With a generous capacity of 3.5 liters, it's perfect for feeding your pet while you're away, providing peace of mind for busy pet owners.
Crafted with premium-quality materials, the base bowl is made of durable PP, while the transparent PET bottle ensures longevity. Its non-slip rubber padding prevents sliding or movement during meal times, keeping the feeder stable and secure. Additionally, the removable parts make cleaning a breeze, allowing for hassle-free maintenance and ensuring your pet's dining area stays hygienic.
Simple and straightforward to use, this pet feeder can be set up in minutes.
(L x l x H):34.00 cm x 19.00 cm x 23.00 cm
Box Dimensions:69cm x 34.5cm x 75cm
Buckwheat (trigo sarraceno) es una planta de grano que pertenece a la familia de las poligonáceas, no relacionada con el trigo convencional a pesar de su nombre. No es un cereal propiamente dicho, sino un pseudocereal, ya que sus granos se usan de forma similar a los cereales, pero la planta no pertenece a la familia de las gramíneas. El trigo sarraceno es originario de Asia y se cultiva ampliamente en varias partes del mundo debido a su versatilidad y beneficios nutricionales.
El trigo sarraceno es rico en proteínas, fibra, antioxidantes, y minerales como magnesio, fósforo y zinc. No contiene gluten, por lo que es una excelente opción para personas con enfermedad celíaca o sensibilidad al gluten. Además, se destaca por su perfil proteico equilibrado, que incluye todos los aminoácidos esenciales, lo que lo convierte en una buena opción para dietas vegetarianas y veganas.
Specializing in fruit sorting and packaging, we provide efficient and reliable services to ensure that your fresh produce is handled with care. Our processes guarantee that only the highest quality products reach your customers.
Today, in the constantly developing and changing packaging industry, we produce more elegant and ostentatious products with our special design boxes that will add value to the product, with our eye-catching printing possibilities.
As luxury packaging; We provide service with box models and specially designed models produced by plastering coated, binding cloth, fantasy paper on hard cardboard.
MN Própolis Propolis Extract Capsules are produced with the highest quality lyophilized green propolis!
They contain a high concentration of propolis, ensuring also the highest levels of flavonoids and Artepillin-C.
Additionally, they contain Vitamin E and Flaxseed Oil, making them a strong ally for the immune system, with anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties.
Flavonoids: 6mg/caps
Artepillin-C: >1%/caps
Phenolic Compounds: 19.5mg/caps
The capsules offer greater convenience for consumption.
Available in Bulk or Private Label.
Flat bags are versatile, high-quality packaging solutions perfect for storing and showcasing products. Made from highly transparent and glossy OPP or CPP (PPCast) film, they provide excellent protection against dust, dirt, and environmental conditions. We offer full customization options, including various sizes, material thicknesses, flaps, adhesive strips, and euro holes. The precise finishing of the bags ensures an aesthetic presentation, while durable materials guarantee long-lasting protection for your products. Tailor your packaging to your specific needs!
This 100% pure beef liver powder is a great addition to any bait, great for pretty much any bait application. This highly attractive/Soluble liver powder has a whopping 67% protein level along with great palpability and nutritional properties hence being used in the fishing bait/feed industry for as long as we can remember, definitely not one to be missed, especially during the colder months.
Wheat starch is used as a thickener in the food industry. It is used to thicken sauces, soups, desserts and other food products to achieve the desired consistency.
Packaging:Paper Bag 25kg
Quantity:5,000kg - 48,000kg
Papaya contain high levels of antioxidants such as vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E. Diets high in antioxidants may reduce the risk of heart disease. The antioxidants prevent the oxidation of cholesterol. Variety Maradol differents size cultivated in Mexico, export quality.
¿Está buscando una estantería elegante y funcional para exponer productos de cereales? ¡Tenemos la solución perfecta para tí! Un expositor de madera contrachapada es una excelente opción para tiendas naturistas, delicatessen, así como panaderías y tiendas de comestibles.
El contrachapado, material natural y ecológico, es duradero y encaja perfectamente en diversos arreglos. El expositor fue diseñado para una exposición óptima de los productos de cereales. Cuenta con amplios estantes que pueden acomodar varios tipos de productos, como grañones, pastas, harinas, cereales para el desayuno y otros. La estantería está disponible en versión teñida o impresa. El contrachapado teñido dará al interior un carácter cálido y natural, mientras que el contrachapado impreso puede ser un elemento decorativo atractivo. Podemos fabricar cualquier tamaño bajo pedido, adaptando su tamaño y apariencia a sus necesidades individuales.
Dimensiones:600x400x1800 mm
Material:Contrachapado pintado, impreso y teñido.
Destino:Productos alimenticios ecológicos.